Meet our instructors

Superior School leads the way with the most DREI awarded instructors in the country.

Our team gives our school the 'Superior' edge

Around the industry, you’ll hear our students singing the praises of the instructors at Superior School. Knowledgeable, hardworking, and accessible to students, the Superior School team creates an environment where fun and learning go hand in hand.

Spencer Clifford
Licensing & CE Instructor, DREI
Superior School Instructor
Derrin Dunzweiler
Licensing & CE Instructor
Frank Fields
Instructor, MAEd, DREI, GSI
Tracy Frazier
Licensing Instructor, DREI
Superior School Instructor
Bill Gallagher
Founder/Instructor, DREI, CDEI, GRI
roger green instructor
Roger Green, Jr.
Ashley Johnson
Licensing & CE Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Vic Knight
Licensing & CE Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Melea Lemon
M.Ed., DREI, GSI, CDEI, Licensing and CE Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Vee Morton
Licensing & CE Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Tricia Moylan
Postlicensing Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Sandra O’Connor
CE Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Lynda Sargent
Licensing Instructor
Superior School Instructor
Angel Trombly
Licensing Instructor
Superior School Instructor
John Walker
Licensing & CE Instructor, DREI
Superior School Instructor
Andrea Williams
Licensing Instructor, GSI